Ep #55 | Off The Rails

This week on High-Dere we come back to the show after a week off and have a euphoric and cathartic experience.

In a free-wheeling and cares to the wind episode we got incredibly random with the conversation, bouncing from the comedy project The Real House Witches of Salem County & the current state of Tulpa, to Architecture and then to an ongoing exchange about the semantics of the word Marathon.

Star Wars, an update from Podcast Land and two separate stories involving cops round out this installment, which really is the ultimate hang-out chill show. Hear us go off the rails on this week’s episode of High-Dere.


Lot of extra reading this week, folks.

Lamborghini Guy Tai Lopez got us to watch a 6 minute youtube ad and love it! | http://elftree.co/lambo-guy

GO WATCH The Real House Witches of Salem County | http://elftree.co/real-house-witches

Read how Jabba The Hutt was made | http://elftree.co/jabba-costume

Check out this film, Little Nemo | http://elftree.co/little-nemo-movie

Support Window to the Wild | https://www.gofundme.com/WindowToTheWild

The dangers of runway modeling | https://youtu.be/KqQy_mQ0Gak?t=49s

Article about Iceland’s Jailed Bankers | http://elftree.co/iceland-bankers

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